Social media is all about socializing. Business’ and consumers are connecting online and exchanging all types of important information that will ultimately create ongoing relationships. Introverts and extroverts alike are maximizing their online time to initiate conversations about what consumers want, and how business’ can better meet their specific needs.
Knowing how to “not suck at social media” will help you generate more leads, improve customer care and ultimately grow a loyal customer base. It’s important to note that like most relationships, it takes time to grow something solid. Strengthening your online presence and growing your following will take time (and I mean more than three months). The good news is that with consistency and the right content, you’ll see a growth in your following, sooner than later. Use social listening to help your business better connect with its community.
Tip 1: Know which social media networks to focus on.
Figure out where your audience finds their most relevant information. Just as its important to identify a target audience for honing your marketing strategy, its equally important to determine which social media sites your target audience frequents. Google analytics is, hands down, one of the most efficient ways to track and monitor related trends like conversions, the different sites linking to your content, network referrals and more. Google analytics is able to tell you key things like which of your articles are being shared and from which social network. Check out this blog post from Hootsuite for a more in depth “How To” related to Google Analytics. You also have the option of gathering this type of information “by hand” which involves surveying customer satisfaction through questionnaires; just be warned that this method is by far more tedious.
Tip 2: Publish content that your community values.
Whether you’re outsourcing your content creation needs to a freelance writer or you create your own content, it’s important to focus your writing on meeting the needs of your followers, as opposed to, bombarding them with pitchy, self-promoting content. There are several blogs out there that offer you different ratios for social media marketing. For example, the golden rule ratio- 30/60/10- suggests that you create 30% original content, 60% curated content and 10% promotional content to ensure a balance between meeting your business promotion needs and meeting the needs of your followers. 10%!! That means if you post to social media 10 times per week, only one of those posts should directly promote your business; the remaining should focus on meeting the client’s needs.
Instead of always broadcasting the services you provide, let followers know how you can help assist them by creating content that solves the day-to-day problems they face. This’ll keep them coming back for more!
Tip 3: Listen more than you promote.
Don’t be “that guy who talked about himself the whole date”, get to know the person (or the people) around you, let them know you care. In the case of social media, get to know those in your community by figuring out what they’re struggling with day-to- day. My grad school professor always said: “people don’t care what you know, until they know that you care”. Since hearing that statement for the first time, no statement has been truer. Once your community of customers know that your business cares about what they need they’ll find a reason to be a loyal follower. Figure out how you can best serve them with social listening. Do this by using your social media presence to ask more questions and discover more about the type of ideal client you’d like to attract.
*Tips adapted from
Favorite Top 3 Social Media Blogs/Websites
Effective social media management requires that we remain “in the know”. Stay up to date with cutting edge practices and tips relevant to the world of social media. Here’s my Top 3 List of blogs/websites every Social Media Manager should follow: